Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Vehicle or transportation is a means of transportation other than living creatures. They are usually man-made (cars, motorcycles, trains, boats, aircraft), but not man-made can also be called vehicles, such as icebergs and floating tree trunks. No motorized vehicles can be driven by men or pulled by animals, such as the wagon.

Vehicle Definition

Definition vehicles based on PP No. 44 Tahun 1993

* Motor Vehicles is a vehicle that is driven by technical equipment located in the vehicle.
* Motorcycles are two-wheeled motor vehicle, or three with no houses either with or without the train side.
* Passenger car means any motor vehicle equipped with as many as 8 (eight) seats excluding the driver's seat, both with and without the baggage transportation equipment.
* Car Bus is any motor vehicle equipped with more than 8 (eight) seats excluding the driver's seat, both with and without the baggage transportation equipment.
* Car Goods is any motor vehicle other than those included in motorcycles, passenger cars and buses cars.
* Special Vehicles is motor vehicle other than motor vehicles for passenger and goods vehicles, which use for special purposes or transport special goods
Public transport

General vehicle according to Law no 22 of 2009 is any vehicle which is provided for use by the public free of charge.

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